The query took 0.000089 seconds to load.
/home/autoseek/public_html/includes/classes/dbi.class.php(101) / function: query
SET sql_mode = ''

The query took 0.000162 seconds to load.
/home/autoseek/public_html/includes/classes/reefless.class.php(98) / function: __construct
SELECT `Name`,`Class`,`Plugin`,`Code` FROM `fl_hooks` WHERE (`Status` = 'active')

The query took 0.000046 seconds to load.
/home/autoseek/public_html/includes/classes/reefless.class.php(98) / function: __construct
SELECT `Default` FROM `fl_config` WHERE `Key` = 'cache_method' LIMIT 1

The query took 0.000077 seconds to load.
/home/autoseek/public_html/includes/classes/rlConfig.class.php(91) / function: fetch
SELECT `Key`,`Default` FROM `fl_config`

The query took 0.000074 seconds to load.
/home/autoseek/public_html/includes/classes/rlCommon.class.php(1224) / function: fetch
SELECT `Key`,`Version` FROM `fl_plugins` WHERE (`Status` = 'active')

The query took 0.000046 seconds to load.
/home/autoseek/public_html/plugins/multiField/rlGeoFilter.class.php(105) / function: rewriteGet
SELECT `Code`, IF(`Code` = "en", 1, 0) AS `Order`,`Key`,`Direction`,`Locale`,`Date_format`,`Status` FROM `fl_languages` WHERE (`Status` = 'active') ORDER BY `Order` DESC

The query took 0.000062 seconds to load.
/home/autoseek/public_html/plugins/multiField/rlGeoFilter.class.php(105) / function: rewriteGet
SELECT `Key`,`Value`,`Code` FROM `fl_lang_keys` WHERE (`module` = 'common') AND `Key` LIKE 'languages+name+%'

The query took 0.000039 seconds to load.
/home/autoseek/public_html/plugins/multiField/rlGeoFilter.class.php(105) / function: rewriteGet
SELECT `T1`.*, `T2`.`Value` AS `name` FROM `fl_multi_formats` AS `T1` LEFT JOIN `fl_multi_formats_lang_hu` AS `T2` ON `T2`.`Key` = `T1`.`Key` WHERE `T1`.`Status` = 'active' AND ( `Path` = 'autos/seat/leon' ) LIMIT 1

The query took 0.000030 seconds to load.
/home/autoseek/public_html/plugins/multiField/rlGeoFilter.class.php(105) / function: rewriteGet
SELECT `T1`.*, `T2`.`Value` AS `name` FROM `fl_multi_formats` AS `T1` LEFT JOIN `fl_multi_formats_lang_hu` AS `T2` ON `T2`.`Key` = `T1`.`Key` WHERE `T1`.`Status` = 'active' AND ( `Path` = 'autos/seat' ) LIMIT 1

The query took 0.000028 seconds to load.
/home/autoseek/public_html/plugins/multiField/rlGeoFilter.class.php(105) / function: rewriteGet
SELECT `T1`.*, `T2`.`Value` AS `name` FROM `fl_multi_formats` AS `T1` LEFT JOIN `fl_multi_formats_lang_hu` AS `T2` ON `T2`.`Key` = `T1`.`Key` WHERE `T1`.`Status` = 'active' AND ( `Path` = 'autos' ) LIMIT 1

The query took 0.000029 seconds to load.
/home/autoseek/public_html/plugins/botBlocker/rlBotBlocker.class.php(41) / function: getBotsList
SELECT `Code` FROM `fl_hooks` WHERE `Name` = 'boot' AND `Plugin` = 'botBlocker' LIMIT 1

The query took 0.000033 seconds to load.
/home/autoseek/public_html/includes/classes/dbi.class.php(223) / function: query
SELECT `T1`.`Links_type`, `T1`.`Key`, IF(`T2`.`Path_hu` <> '', `T2`.`Path_hu`, `T2`.`Path`) AS `Path` FROM `fl_listing_types` AS `T1` JOIN `fl_pages` AS `T2` ON `T2`.`Key` = CONCAT('lt_', `T1`.`Key`) WHERE (`Links_type` = 'short' OR `Links_type` = 'subdomain') AND `T1`.`Status` = 'active'

The query took 0.000074 seconds to load.
/home/autoseek/public_html/includes/classes/rlListingTypes.class.php(44) / function: get
SELECT `T1`.*, IF(`T2`.`Status` = 'active', 1, 0) AS `Advanced_search_availability` FROM `fl_listing_types` AS `T1` LEFT JOIN `fl_search_forms` AS `T2` ON `T1`.`Key` = `T2`.`Type` AND `T2`.`Mode` = 'advanced' WHERE `T1`.`Status` = 'active' ORDER BY `Order`

The query took 0.000034 seconds to load.
/home/autoseek/public_html/includes/classes/rlAccountTypes.class.php(59) / function: get
SELECT `T1`.* FROM `fl_account_types` AS `T1` WHERE `T1`.`Status` = 'active' ORDER BY `Position`

The query took 0.000042 seconds to load.
/home/autoseek/public_html/includes/classes/dbi.class.php(302) / function: query
SELECT * FROM `fl_pages` WHERE `Path` = CONVERT('autos' USING utf8) OR `Path_hu` = CONVERT('autos' USING utf8) AND `Status` = 'active' LIMIT 1

The query took 0.005870 seconds to load.
/home/autoseek/public_html/includes/utils/Category.php(843) / function: getCategory
SELECT `ID`,`Parent_ID`,`Parent_IDs`,`Path`,`Key`,`Count`,`Lock`,`Type`,`Level`,`Add`,`Status`,`Path_nl`,`Path_fr`,`Path_de`,`Path_hu`,`Path_it`,`Path_ru`,`Path_es` FROM `fl_categories` WHERE (`Status` = 'active') AND (`Path` = 'seat/leon/seat-leon-station-wagon-in-grey-used-in-bergen-for-14-441' OR `Path_hu` = 'seat/leon/seat-leon-station-wagon-in-grey-used-in-bergen-for-14-441') LIMIT 1

The query took 0.000037 seconds to load.
/home/autoseek/public_html/includes/classes/dbi.class.php(223) / function: query
SELECT `ID`, `Key`, `Side`, `Type`, `Content`, `Tpl`, `Header`, `Position`, `Plugin`, `Options` FROM `fl_blocks` WHERE `Status` = 'active' AND (FIND_IN_SET('25', `Page_ID`) > 0 OR `Sticky` = '1') ORDER BY `Position`

The query took 0.000307 seconds to load.
/home/autoseek/public_html/includes/classes/rlLang.class.php(202) / function: fetch
SELECT `Key`,`Value`,`JS` FROM `fl_lang_keys` WHERE `Status` = 'active' AND `Code` = 'hu' AND ( ( (`Module` = 'frontEnd' OR `Module` = 'common') AND (`Target_key` = '' OR `Target_key` = 'listing_details') ) OR (`Module` = 'box' AND `Target_key` IN ('averagePrice','get_more_details','rv_listings','bb_banner_box_top','bb_banner_box_sidebar','price_history')) )

The query took 0.000068 seconds to load.
/home/autoseek/public_html/includes/classes/rlDb.class.php(567) / function: query
SET time_zone = '+1:00'

The query took 0.000029 seconds to load.
/home/autoseek/public_html/plugins/multiField/rlGeoFilter.class.php(119) / function: init
SELECT `Key` FROM `fl_listing_fields` WHERE (`Condition` = 'countries') AND (`Status` = 'active') AND `Key` NOT LIKE 'citizenship%' ORDER BY `Key`

The query took 0.000024 seconds to load.
/home/autoseek/public_html/plugins/multiField/rlGeoFilter.class.php(119) / function: init
SELECT `Key` FROM `fl_account_fields` WHERE (`Condition` = 'countries') AND (`Status` = 'active') AND `Key` NOT LIKE 'citizenship%' ORDER BY `Key`

The query took 0.000239 seconds to load.
/home/autoseek/public_html/includes/classes/dbi.class.php(223) / function: query
SELECT `IP` AS `Count` FROM `fl_login_attempts` WHERE `IP` = '' AND `Status` = 'fail' AND `Interface` = 'user' GROUP BY `Date` HAVING TIMESTAMPDIFF(HOUR, `Date`, NOW()) < 1

The query took 0.000045 seconds to load.
/home/autoseek/public_html/includes/utils/Util.php(350) / function: getAll
SELECT `Key`, IF(`Path_hu` <> '', `Path_hu`, `Path`) AS `Path` FROM `fl_pages` WHERE (`Status` = 'active')

The query took 0.000035 seconds to load.
/home/autoseek/public_html/includes/classes/rlHook.class.php(140) / function: hookStaticDataRegister
SELECT * FROM `fl_ha_providers` WHERE `Status` = 'active' ORDER BY `Order`

The query took 0.000025 seconds to load.
/home/autoseek/public_html/includes/classes/rlHook.class.php(140) / function: hookStaticDataRegister
SELECT `Status` FROM `fl_ha_providers` WHERE `Provider` = 'google' LIMIT 1

The query took 0.000078 seconds to load.
/home/autoseek/public_html/includes/classes/reefless.class.php(98) / function: __construct
SELECT * FROM `fl_payment_gateways` WHERE `Status` = 'active'

The query took 0.000030 seconds to load.
/home/autoseek/public_html/includes/classes/rlMembershipPlan.class.php(311) / function: getAll
SELECT * FROM `fl_membership_services` WHERE `Status` = 'active'

The query took 0.000037 seconds to load.
/home/autoseek/public_html/includes/classes/rlCommon.class.php(151) / function: fetch
SELECT `ID`,`Page_type`,`Key`,`Path`,`Get_vars`,`Controller`,`No_follow`,`Menus`,`Deny`,`Login`,`Path_hu` FROM `fl_pages` WHERE (`Status` = 'active') ORDER BY `Position`

The query took 0.000040 seconds to load.
/home/autoseek/public_html/includes/classes/rlCategories.class.php(1607) / function: getAll
SELECT * FROM `fl_data_formats` WHERE `Conversion` = '1' AND `Parent_ID` = 0

The query took 0.000023 seconds to load.
/home/autoseek/public_html/includes/classes/rlCategories.class.php(1611) / function: getAll
SELECT `Rate`, `Key` FROM `fl_data_formats` WHERE `Parent_ID` = 2861

The query took 0.000482 seconds to load.
/home/autoseek/public_html/includes/controllers/ / function: getRow
SELECT `ai_desc_lang`.`Lang` AS `ai_lang`,`ai_desc_lang`.`Content` AS `ai_content`, `T1`.*, `T2`.`Type` AS `Listing_type`, `T2`.`Key` AS `Cat_key`, `T2`.`Type` AS `Cat_type`,`T2`.`Path` AS `Cat_path`, `T2`.`Parent_keys`, `T2`.`Parent_IDs`, `T2`.`Parent_ID`, IF(`T2`.`Path_hu` <> '', `T2`.`Path_hu`, `T2`.`Path`) AS `Path`, `T3`.`Image`, `T3`.`Image_unlim`, `T3`.`Video`, `T3`.`Video_unlim`, CONCAT('categories+name+', `T2`.`Key`) AS `Category_pName`, IF ( UNIX_TIMESTAMP(DATE_ADD(`T1`.`Pay_date`, INTERVAL `T3`.`Listing_period` DAY)) <= UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()) AND `T3`.`Listing_period` > 0, 1, 0) AS `Listing_expired` FROM `fl_listings` AS `T1` LEFT JOIN `fl_categories` AS `T2` ON `T1`.`Category_ID` = `T2`.`ID` LEFT JOIN `fl_listing_plans` AS `T3` ON `T1`.`Plan_ID` = `T3`.`ID` LEFT JOIN `fl_accounts` AS `T5` ON `T1`.`Account_ID` = `T5`.`ID` LEFT JOIN `ai_desc_lang` ON `ai_desc_lang`.`Listing_ID` = `T1`.`ID` AND `ai_desc_lang`.`Lang` = 'hu' WHERE `T1`.`ID` = '2140380' AND `T2`.`Status` = 'active' AND `T5`.`Status` = 'active' LIMIT 1

The query took 0.000379 seconds to load.
/home/autoseek/public_html/includes/controllers/ / function: originalUrlRedirect
SHOW COLUMNS FROM `fl_listings` LIKE 'price'

The query took 0.000037 seconds to load.
/home/autoseek/public_html/includes/controllers/ / function: getOne
SELECT `Login` FROM `fl_pages` WHERE `Key` = 'view_details' LIMIT 1

The query took 0.000067 seconds to load.
/home/autoseek/public_html/includes/controllers/ / function: getProfile
SELECT `T1`.*, IF(`T2`.`Status` = 'active', 1, 0) AS `Advanced_search_availability` FROM `fl_listing_types` AS `T1` LEFT JOIN `fl_search_forms` AS `T2` ON `T1`.`Key` = `T2`.`Type` AND `T2`.`Mode` = 'advanced' WHERE `T1`.`Android_status` = 'active' AND `T1`.`Status` = 'active' ORDER BY `Android_position`

The query took 0.000060 seconds to load.
/home/autoseek/public_html/includes/controllers/ / function: getProfile
SELECT `T1`.*, `T2`.`ID` AS `Account_type_ID`, `T2`.`Own_location`, `T2`.`Page` AS `Own_page`, `T2`.`Thumb_width`, `T2`.`Thumb_height` FROM `fl_accounts` AS `T1` LEFT JOIN `fl_account_types` AS `T2` ON `T1`.`Type` = `T2`.`Key` WHERE `T1`.`ID` = '8446' LIMIT 1

The query took 0.000039 seconds to load.
/home/autoseek/public_html/includes/controllers/ / function: getProfile
SELECT `T1`.`Key`, `T1`.`Type`, `T1`.`Default`, `T1`.`Values`, `T1`.`Condition`, CONCAT('account_fields+default+', `T1`.`Key`) as `pDefault`, `T1`.`Map`, `T1`.`Details_page`, `T1`.`Multilingual`, `T1`.`Opt1`, `T1`.`Opt2`, `T1`.`Opt3`, `T1`.`Contact`, `T1`.`Required`, `T1`.`Add_page`, `T1`.`Autocomplete` FROM `fl_account_fields` AS `T1` LEFT JOIN `fl_account_submit_form` AS `T2` ON `T1`.`ID` = `Field_ID` WHERE `T1`.`Status` = 'active' AND `T2`.`Category_ID` = '19' ORDER BY `T2`.`Position`

The query took 0.000032 seconds to load.
/home/autoseek/public_html/includes/controllers/ / function: getProfile
SELECT `Value` FROM `fl_multi_formats_lang_hu` WHERE `Key` = 'countries_29303' LIMIT 1

The query took 0.000032 seconds to load.
/home/autoseek/public_html/includes/controllers/ / function: getShortDetails
SELECT `T2`.`Key`, `T2`.`Type`, `T2`.`Default`, `T2`.`Contact`, `T2`.`Condition`, `T2`.`Hidden`, CONCAT('account_fields+name+', `T2`.`Key`) AS `pName`, `T2`.`Details_page`, `T2`.`Multilingual`, `T2`.`Opt1`, `T2`.`Opt2`, `T2`.`Opt3` FROM `fl_account_short_form` AS `T1` LEFT JOIN `fl_account_fields` AS `T2` ON `T1`.`Field_ID` = `T2`.`ID` WHERE `T1`.`Category_ID` = 19 ORDER BY `T1`.`Position`

The query took 0.000463 seconds to load.
/home/autoseek/public_html/includes/controllers/ / function: getBreadCrumbs
SELECT `Key`,`Value`,`JS` FROM `fl_lang_keys` WHERE `Target_key` = '' AND `Module` = 'category' AND `Code` = 'hu' AND `Status` = 'active'

The query took 0.000064 seconds to load.
/home/autoseek/public_html/includes/controllers/ / function: load
SELECT `Key` FROM `fl_categories` WHERE `ID` = 1 LIMIT 1

The query took 0.000029 seconds to load.
/home/autoseek/public_html/includes/controllers/ / function: replaceMetaFields
SELECT `Key`,`Parent_ID` FROM `fl_categories` WHERE (`ID` = '1326') LIMIT 1

The query took 0.000026 seconds to load.
/home/autoseek/public_html/includes/controllers/ / function: replaceMetaFields
SELECT `Key`,`Parent_ID` FROM `fl_categories` WHERE (`ID` = '1') LIMIT 1

The query took 0.000024 seconds to load.
/home/autoseek/public_html/includes/controllers/ / function: replaceMetaFields
SELECT `Key`,`Parent_ID` FROM `fl_categories` WHERE (`ID` = '1326') LIMIT 1

The query took 0.000051 seconds to load.
/home/autoseek/public_html/includes/controllers/ / function: replaceMetaFields
SELECT `Key`,`Parent_ID` FROM `fl_categories` WHERE (`ID` = '1') LIMIT 1

The query took 0.000024 seconds to load.
/home/autoseek/public_html/includes/controllers/ / function: replaceMetaFields
SELECT `Key`,`Parent_ID` FROM `fl_categories` WHERE (`ID` = '1326') LIMIT 1

The query took 0.000023 seconds to load.
/home/autoseek/public_html/includes/controllers/ / function: replaceMetaFields
SELECT `Key`,`Parent_ID` FROM `fl_categories` WHERE (`ID` = '1') LIMIT 1

The query took 0.000036 seconds to load.
/home/autoseek/public_html/includes/controllers/ / function: get
SELECT * FROM `fl_listing_photos` WHERE (`Listing_ID` = '2140380') AND (`Status` = 'active') ORDER BY `Position`

The query took 0.000032 seconds to load.
/home/autoseek/public_html/includes/controllers/ / function: fetch
SELECT `Key`,`Default` FROM `fl_map_amenities` WHERE (`Status` = 'active') ORDER BY `Position`

The query took 0.000313 seconds to load.
/home/autoseek/public_html/includes/controllers/ / function: load
SELECT * FROM `fl_ap_listing_data` WHERE (`Listing_ID` = '2140380') LIMIT 1

The query took 0.000457 seconds to load.
/home/autoseek/public_html/includes/controllers/ / function: load
SELECT `Parent_keys`, `Key` FROM `fl_categories` AS `T1` JOIN `fl_listings` AS `T2` ON `T2`.`Category_ID` = `T1`.`ID` WHERE `T2`.`ID` = 2140380 LIMIT 1

The query took 0.000036 seconds to load.
/home/autoseek/public_html/includes/controllers/ / function: load
SELECT `T1`.`Category_ID`, `T1`.`Group_ID`, `T1`.`Fields`, `T2`.`Key` AS `Group_key`, `T2`.`Display`, `T3`.`Type` AS `Listing_type`, `T3`.`Key` AS `Form_key`, `T3`.`With_picture` FROM `fl_search_forms_relations` AS `T1` LEFT JOIN `fl_listing_groups` AS `T2` ON `T1`.`Group_ID` = `T2`.`ID` LEFT JOIN `fl_search_forms` AS `T3` ON `T1`.`Category_ID` = `T3`.`ID` WHERE `T3`.`Key` = 'listings_quick' AND `T3`.`Status` = 'active' ORDER BY `Position`

The query took 0.000027 seconds to load.
/home/autoseek/public_html/includes/controllers/ / function: load
SELECT `ID`, `Key`, `Type`, `Default`, `Values`, `Condition`, CONCAT('listing_fields+name+', `Key`) AS `pName`, `Autocomplete`, FIND_IN_SET(`ID`, '88') AS `Order` FROM `fl_listing_fields` WHERE FIND_IN_SET(`ID`, '88' ) > 0 AND `Status` = 'active' ORDER BY `Order`

The query took 0.000025 seconds to load.
/home/autoseek/public_html/includes/controllers/ / function: load
SELECT `ID`,`Key`,`Order_type` FROM `fl_data_formats` WHERE (`Parent_ID` = '0') AND (`Status` = 'active') ORDER BY `Key`

The query took 0.000053 seconds to load.
/home/autoseek/public_html/includes/controllers/ / function: load
SELECT `ID`,`Path`,`Count`,`Key`, CONCAT('categories+name+', `Key`) AS `pName`, CONCAT('categories+title+', `Key`) AS `pTitle`,`Type`,`Path_nl`,`Path_fr`,`Path_de`,`Path_hu`,`Path_it`,`Path_ru`,`Path_es`,`Parent_ID` FROM `fl_categories` WHERE (`Status` = 'active') AND (`Parent_ID` = '0') AND (`Type` = 'listings') ORDER BY `Position`

The query took 0.000031 seconds to load.
/home/autoseek/public_html/includes/controllers/ / function: load
SELECT `ID`, `Key`, `Type`, `Default`, `Values`, `Condition`, CONCAT('listing_fields+name+', `Key`) AS `pName`, `Autocomplete`, FIND_IN_SET(`ID`, '193') AS `Order` FROM `fl_listing_fields` WHERE FIND_IN_SET(`ID`, '193' ) > 0 AND `Status` = 'active' ORDER BY `Order`

The query took 0.000027 seconds to load.
/home/autoseek/public_html/includes/controllers/ / function: load
SELECT `ID`, `Key`, `Type`, `Default`, `Values`, `Condition`, CONCAT('listing_fields+name+', `Key`) AS `pName`, `Autocomplete`, FIND_IN_SET(`ID`, '194') AS `Order` FROM `fl_listing_fields` WHERE FIND_IN_SET(`ID`, '194' ) > 0 AND `Status` = 'active' ORDER BY `Order`

The query took 0.000025 seconds to load.
/home/autoseek/public_html/includes/controllers/ / function: load
SELECT `ID` FROM `fl_data_formats` WHERE `Key` = 'body_styles' LIMIT 1

The query took 0.000025 seconds to load.
/home/autoseek/public_html/includes/controllers/ / function: load
SELECT `ID`,`Parent_ID`,`Key`, CONCAT("data_formats+name+", `Key`) AS `pName`,`Default`,`Position` FROM `fl_data_formats` WHERE (`Status` = 'active') AND (`Parent_ID` = '2845') ORDER BY `ID`, `Key`

The query took 0.000027 seconds to load.
/home/autoseek/public_html/includes/controllers/ / function: load
SELECT `ID`, `Key`, `Type`, `Default`, `Values`, `Condition`, CONCAT('listing_fields+name+', `Key`) AS `pName`, `Autocomplete`, FIND_IN_SET(`ID`, '2') AS `Order` FROM `fl_listing_fields` WHERE FIND_IN_SET(`ID`, '2' ) > 0 AND `Status` = 'active' ORDER BY `Order`

The query took 0.000027 seconds to load.
/home/autoseek/public_html/includes/controllers/ / function: load
SELECT `ID`, `Key`, `Type`, `Default`, `Values`, `Condition`, CONCAT('listing_fields+name+', `Key`) AS `pName`, `Autocomplete`, FIND_IN_SET(`ID`, '219') AS `Order` FROM `fl_listing_fields` WHERE FIND_IN_SET(`ID`, '219' ) > 0 AND `Status` = 'active' ORDER BY `Order`

The query took 0.000027 seconds to load.
/home/autoseek/public_html/includes/controllers/ / function: load
SELECT `ID`, `Key`, `Type`, `Default`, `Values`, `Condition`, CONCAT('listing_fields+name+', `Key`) AS `pName`, `Autocomplete`, FIND_IN_SET(`ID`, '220') AS `Order` FROM `fl_listing_fields` WHERE FIND_IN_SET(`ID`, '220' ) > 0 AND `Status` = 'active' ORDER BY `Order`

The query took 0.000333 seconds to load.
/home/autoseek/public_html/includes/controllers/ / function: load
SELECT DISTINCT `T1`.*, `T1`.`Main_photo` AS `Photo`, `T4`.`Path` AS `Category_path`, `T4`.`Type` AS `Listing_type`, `T4`.`Parent_IDs`, `T1`.`Featured_date` AS `Featured_status`, IF (`T1`.`Status` = 'active', 1, 0) AS `Active_status` FROM `fl_listings` AS `T1` LEFT JOIN `fl_categories` AS `T4` ON `T1`.`Category_ID` = `T4`.`ID` LEFT JOIN `fl_accounts` AS `T7` ON `T1`.`Account_ID` = `T7`.`ID` WHERE `T1`.`ID` = '2140380' GROUP BY `T1`.`ID` LIMIT 1

The query took 0.000040 seconds to load.
/home/autoseek/public_html/includes/controllers/ / function: load
SELECT `T2`.`Key`, `T2`.`Type`, `T2`.`Default`, `T2`.`Condition`, `T2`.`Details_page`, `T2`.`Multilingual`, `T2`.`Opt1`, `T2`.`Opt2`, `T2`.`Opt3`, `T2`.`Contact`, `T2`.`Hidden` FROM `fl_short_forms` AS `T1` LEFT JOIN `fl_listing_fields` AS `T2` ON `T1`.`Field_ID` = `T2`.`ID` WHERE `T1`.`Category_ID` = '1' ORDER BY `T1`.`Position`

The query took 0.000211 seconds to load.
/home/autoseek/public_html/includes/controllers/ / function: load
SELECT `ID`, `Key`, `Type`, `Default`, `Values`, `Condition`, CONCAT('listing_fields+name+', `Key`) AS `pName`, `Key` = 'title' AS `Order` FROM `fl_listing_fields` WHERE `Key` = 'title' AND `Status` = 'active' ORDER BY `Order`

The query took 0.000037 seconds to load.
/home/autoseek/public_html/includes/controllers/ / function: load
SELECT `ID` FROM `fl_price_history` WHERE `Listing_id` = '2140380' LIMIT 1

Output has already been sent to the browser at /home/autoseek/public_html/includes/classes/dbi.class.php:440. Please make sure the command $xajax->processRequest() is placed before this.The query took 0.000234 seconds to load.
/home/autoseek/public_html/plugins/socialMetaData/rlSocialMetaData.class.php(60) / function: getShortDetails
SELECT `T1`.*, `T3`.`Type` AS `Listing_type`, `T3`.`Path` AS `Category_path`, `T3`.`Parent_IDs` FROM `fl_listings` AS `T1` LEFT JOIN `fl_categories` AS `T3` ON `T1`.`Category_ID` = `T3`.`ID` WHERE `T1`.`ID` = '2140380' LIMIT 1

Total sql queries time: 0.011519432067871.
SEAT Leon Station wagon in Grey used in Bergen for € 14,441.-

SEAT Leon Station wagon in Grey used in Bergen for € 14,441.-

€ 14,441
Vehicle data
Gyártási év
Karosszéria stílus
SEAT Leon Station wagon in Grey used in Bergen for € 14,441.-
Futott kilométer
142350 km
1 éve
Power (kW)
Power (HP)
Külső szín
Belső szín
Belső anyag
Adaptív fényszórók
Automatikus távolsági fény
  • Klíma elöl
  • Elektromos oldalsó tükör
  • Elektromos csomagtérajtó
  • Fényérzékelő
  • Esőérzékelő
  • Környezeti világítás
  • Első ülés szellőzés
  • Hátsó ülés szellőzés
  • Első ülésfűtés
  • Hátsó ülésfűtés
  • Elöl elektromosan állítható ülések
  • Klíma hátul
  • Hátsó elektromosan állítható ülések
  • Első parkoló érzékelők
  • Hátsó parkoló érzékelők
  • Első kamera
  • Hátsó kamera
  • 360°-os kamera
  • Önálló parkolás
  • kiegészítő fűtés
  • Fűthető szélvédő
  • Fűthető kormánykerék
  • Masszázs ülések
  • Központi zár
  • Szervókormány
  • Távoli kulcs nélküli indítás
  • Elektromos ablakok
  • Soft Close
  • Légzsák: Vezetőoldali
  • Automatikusan sötétedő belső tükör
  • Éjszakai látást segítő
  • Vészfékrásegítő
  • Segélyhívó rendszer
  • Közlekedési tábla felismerés
  • Légzsák: Utasoldali
  • Légzsák: Oldalsó
  • Riasztás
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  • Elektronikus menetstabilizáló program (ESP)
  • Kipörgésgátló (ASR)
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Nincs tempomat
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Más funkciók
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  • Taxi
29303 Bergen, Germany
Térkép nagyítása
  • 939 Nézetek
Search for a city or select popular from the list
The query took 0.000085 seconds to load.
/home/autoseek/public_html/includes/classes/rlSmarty.class.php(71) / function: fetch
SELECT * FROM `fl_ha_providers` WHERE `Status` = 'active' ORDER BY `Order`

The query took 0.000062 seconds to load.
/home/autoseek/public_html/includes/classes/rlSmarty.class.php(71) / function: fetch
SELECT `Status` FROM `fl_ha_providers` WHERE `Provider` = 'google' LIMIT 1

The query took 0.000035 seconds to load.
/home/autoseek/public_html/includes/classes/rlSmarty.class.php(71) / function: fetch
SELECT `ID`,`Key`,`Abilities`,`Page`,`Own_location`,`Email_confirmation`,`Admin_confirmation`,`Auto_login`,`Quick_registration`,`Agent`,`Agency`,`Thumb_width`,`Thumb_height` FROM `fl_account_types` WHERE (`Status` = 'active') AND `Key` <> 'visitor' AND `Key` <> 'affiliate' ORDER BY `Position`

The account with the email address already exists on the site. To synchronize with Social Network Login plugin please enter the password to your account on the site.

Listings to be compared

    No listings added to the comparison table.
    The query took 0.000647 seconds to load.
    /home/autoseek/public_html/includes/classes/dbi.class.php(302) / function: query
    SELECT `IP` FROM `fl_listings_shows` WHERE UNIX_TIMESTAMP(DATE_ADD(`Date`, INTERVAL 40997 SECOND)) > UNIX_TIMESTAMP() AND `Listing_ID` = 2140380 AND `IP` = '' LIMIT 1

    The query took 0.000280 seconds to load.
    /home/autoseek/public_html/includes/classes/rlDb.class.php(407) / function: query
    INSERT INTO `fl_listings_shows` ( `Listing_ID`, `IP`, `Date` ) VALUES ( '2140380', '', NOW() )

    The query took 0.000752 seconds to load.
    /home/autoseek/public_html/includes/classes/rlDb.class.php(567) / function: query
    UPDATE `fl_listings` SET `Last_show` = NOW(), `Shows` = `Shows` + 1 WHERE `ID` = 2140380 LIMIT 1